Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Miss Him!

Through Cosmos' Eyes

Sleeping Beauty.....

This is my cat Cosmo. I had to have him put to sleep on May 5, 2010. Been a long day, I haven't felt well...... and I can feel his presence all around me. God bless you and keep you in love, I miss you Mo.....


  1. Beautiful shots. They show your great love for him. Hope you feel better and remember his love.

  2. He is beautiful. So glad you have such beautiful images to remember him by.

    I'm sorry you are having a rough day. I hope tomorrow is better.

  3. Beautiful pics of your beautiful boy :) Hope your feeling better my friend!

  4. Oh Suzi.... what fabulous images you have to remember by. Sending healing prayers and positive vibes your way ... hope you are feeling better soon!
